Watch Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin

Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin

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Date 15 July 2016
Speaker Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin (click to see more details and other shiurim)
Summary Reb Avrohom Moshe Shlit"a gave us 2 approaches to that which we are taught that the Poro Aduma was "Metaher Temaiim and Metamei Tehorim". The first was really rather fascinating, and delved into how so many of the Rishonim were "misnagged" against the Rambam, as they did not hold of him using philosophy as part of his 'route to explaining Torah'. The day of Erev Parshas Chukas was instigated to be a fast day as the Reshoim from France burnt 24 carriages full of Seforim. The 2nd Pshat was in the same of the Bal Shem Tov and centered upon the bad middos of Korach, and why the Poro Adumah caused him to want to argue with Moshe Rabenu. The last third of the Shiur was devoted to the famous Chazal that Torah only has a kiyum for someone who 'kills themselves over it" - what does this really mean - and how is this reconciled with the Chazal that says "Vochai Bohem - Velo Sheyomus Bohem" - which appears to be a blatant contradiction?!
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