Watch Rabbi Shimon Krausz

Rabbi Shimon Krausz

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Date 28 June 2016
Speaker Rabbi Shimon Krausz (click to see more details and other shiurim)
Title What Was The Aviro Of The Me'Koishesh?
Summary Reb Shimon Shlit"a really was on top form today! We were treated to a remarkable array of Meforshim in context of the story of the "Mekoishaish Etzim" as described in this week's Sedra. Several questions were raised, for instance did Hashem really need to say that the Mekoishaish was Chayav Misah - did Moshe Rabeinu not realise that? Listen to some beautiful ideas of the Chassam Sofer and the Ohr Hachaim Hakodoish. Does the Midbar constitute a Reshus Harabim? Was this called "Chilul Shabbos Befarhesya"? A most fascinating Maharsha followed, who discusses whether or not this act could have been classified as a Melocha She'ein Tzricha Legufa. The Shiur concluded with a very interesting Shaaloh as discussed by the Kaf Hachaim - today's presentation contained a vast amount and this summary cannot possibly do it justice - you will simply have to tune in for yourself - so sit back, switch on and enjoy - Hatzlocha...!
Categories Sedra
Kol Haloshon number

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