Watch Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin

Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin

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Date 20 May 2016
Speaker Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin (click to see more details and other shiurim)
Summary Reb Avrohom Moshe Shlit"a delivered another brilliant Shiur today! We are taught that the "Bysussim" tried to change the mitzvah of Sefiras Ho'Omer from Motzei Pesach to Motzei Shabbos Chol Ha'Moed, as they simply could not fathom why Pesach should also be referred to as Shabbos. A large part of their misconception was due to their misunderstanding of a famous Mishna in Ovois in which we are taught not to serve Hashem for the motive of receiving reward. Comparisons were then drawn between the Parsha of Eved Evri (famous Rashi which discusses why the "ear and the door") and the Parsha of Makas Bechorois where the term "Ben" is used twice, once in relation to the Yidden and also for the Egyptians. A fascniating Chida followed which really was the 'central cog in the wheel' and brought out the difference between a son and a servant and why the Yidden are way above the other nations. The Chida also explains the underlying issue in the "Bysussim"'s misunderstanding of the Mishna in Ovois. A beautiful vort of Reb Ber of Mezritch followed, together with a touching story involving the Kedushas Levi.
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