Listen to Rabbi Moishe Akiva Brandeis

Rabbi Moishe Akiva Brandeis

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Date 17 June 2016
Speaker Rabbi Moishe Akiva Brandeis (click to see more details and other shiurim)
Title The Chashivos Of Each & Every Yid
Summary Listen to an interesting Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l as to why Parshas Bamidbar precedes Shovous. He connects it all with the concept of counting - that which we place an importance upon, we count, even if we know its number contained therein. What is special with the 3 times that the Yidden are counted in the Torah - 1) here 2) by the Sin of the Golden Calf and 3) at Yetzias Mitzrayim - at all of them (or to give an illustration of nowourdays, at a huge Siyum Hashas..!) - it is easy to feel insignificant and think "do they really need me here?" - says the Torah yes - we are all counted! This was followed by a beautiful Reb Tzodok HaCohen in relation to the differing severity of a Zov, a Metzoirah and a Tomei Mais, along with further words of the Meshech Chochma. The underlying theme of the Shiur was that just as we are all counted, so too, we are all important and have our own unique roles to play in life!!
Categories Sedra
Kol Haloshon number

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