Watch Rabbi Yossi Chazan

Rabbi Yossi Chazan

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Date 09 June 2016
Speaker Rabbi Yossi Chazan (click to see more details and other shiurim)
Title The Koach Of Shevuos
Summary We are obliged to view ourselves as if we stood at Har Sinai - similar to what Chazal tell us in relation to Yetzias Mitzrayim. There are certainly various Segulos in relation to a person's Kavanah during the Kerias Hatorah of the Aseres Hadibros. Listen to incredible words from Reb Shimshon Pincus and also the Arugas Haboisem. He also explained how the difference between Yaakov and Esov manifested itself during Matan Torah. The Shiur concluded with a Noam Elimelech and we today gathered numerous insights into the Maamad Har Sinai in general.
Categories Hashkofo
Kol Haloshon number

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